Something came to my mind yesterday sometime. Something that is pretty out there but I am seriously considering it and will pray about it. Are you ready for it?
{Drum Roll Please}
Run the Mercedes Half Marathon.
Not what you were expecting? This is a huge deal for me. I'm looking into different training program and I've found a few that range from 10 weeks, like here to 17 weeks like here.
All my life I've watched sports and have been in awe of such great endurance or just the umph of competition. Anything would inspire me from tennis to the Olympics. Every year I watch or take note of the Mercedes Marathon and I'm just in awe of anyone that can do it. A good friend of the family about a year ago did a triathlon and I tried to wrap my brain around attempting that. It ain't gonna happen. I'm only in week 4 of Couch to 5k and the Mercedes Marathon is Feb. 14 . So, the way I see it is I can start the training late November or early December and be ready for it. I finish the c25k in the middle of September and that will give me almost 2 months of running/jogging before starting the training.
This is huge for me. I reset my mileage today in the car and I was shocked at how long 13 miles was. I can do this. It totally freaks me out but I have an unexplainable giddiness when I think about it. Weird.
C25K is going really great. I hope to run Friday but plan to take off over the weekend. Lately I've been starting my week on Sunday and then running the other 2 days somewhere in between. The girls and I are leaving this Friday to head to the beach with my parents and niece and nephew. Christopher is stuck home dog sitting. With school starting soon he gets the short end of the stick. Not to mention we just turned off our Directv to put the $$ towards the capital campaign at our school. So, his stick is really short. Hopefully Princess and Maggie will keep him company. Back to running, we are going to be packed in so I'm not even taking my running shoes. We'll be back Monday so I can get back at it Tuesday to start week 5.
My eating has been pretty good until today. I took Becca out to eat and back to school shopping. She chose O' Charleys. I'm just going to end with, those cinnamon sugar doughnuts were dadgum good!
How to Organize iPhone Photos
2 days ago
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