I've been somewhat busy but I'm still here. I weighed in Sunday and I was down only .4 lbs. I know, I know, it's still a loss but @#$%*&! I'm ready for a big loss. So, that brings my total up to less than 2 lbs. Since it's been a few days I'm not listing all my meals. For some reason I really had the munchies this weekend. Sunday was the last day of my week so I got a few flex points that day.
Yesterday was a special back to school shopping day with Liz so Starbucks for breakfast, Five Guys burgers for lunch and then Moe's for supper. I will tell what I got at each of those restaurants below. Have a good week...
Starbucks - regular coffee (0), splenda (0, I am really trying to avoid Splenda and it's been a really long time since I've had it), Vanilla almond biscotti (3). The Baristars, (is that what they're called?) anyway the people who work at Starbucks are doing weight watchers and that was helpful but I knew going into the place what I was getting.
Five Guys - Lil burger and fries. Liz and I shared the small fries and I can honestly say I had 3 french fries. A situation came up that caused me to not eat all of my burger either. Liz was hopping down from our table (we were sitting at a high bar stool/table) and she fell and hurt her leg. For some reason when she has pain she holds her breath and passes out. We have talked with her pediatrician about this and he told us that it's common. Anyway, she was out for only 5-10 seconds which seemed like forever. There was a kind man there that told me he was a paramedics and asked me a few question about Liz and if she's ever done this before. He offered to contact 911 but I told him I think we would be okay. When she woke up she was extremely tired and just wanted to go home. So, I cleaned up our food but grabbed my burger because I was hoping to finish it in the car. Anyway, I didn't totally finish it but maybe had about 2/3 of it. That's one way to not overeat.
Moe's - I got the Joey Bag of dougnuts as a streaker meaning, I didn't get the tortilla. I would have done better if I would have left off about half of the tortilla chips. It was a delicious meal and I plan to be a streaker again ;)
Granted, I did go over my points by 15 but that's what flex is for right?
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