***Side note*** my internet keeps crashing so I'm going to make this really quick. I've had to restart about 4 times. Make that 5, 6, 7, no 8 times. Ugh!
I'm tired. I am physically and mentally tired. I stayed up too late watching the Bachelorette. I did get up and do day 2. That made me feel awesome this morning. Since going to 6 Flags yesterday I got behind on housework. It just put me in a bad mood. I hate that. I wish I could pause time, get all my "chores" done and then play with my girls.
I did great eating all day until supper. I miscalculated my meal and went over. That's okay, I have just used 8 total flex points.
Breakfast: 2 whole wheat pancakes (2), 1/4 c lite syrup (1), coffee (1), milk (2)
Lunch: Soup (1), yogurt (1)
Snack: Popcorn (2)
Dinner: salad & dressing (1), BBQ homemade pizza (18) (yeah, I'm embarrassed about that also). The pizza was really good and very filling. It had bbq sauce, chicken, fat free mozzarella, artichokes, and red onions. I wished I would have used whole wheat english muffins instead of the crust I did use. Oh well, you live and learn.
My goal tomorrow is to not go over my daily points.
I will say I've done great at getting my water in. I picked up some fresh fruit today while at Publix (strawberries, blueberries and cherries). I need to do better at getting in my fruits and veggies!
Well, before the internet crashes again and before I crash I must say goodnight!
Things I’m Loving: Spring Edition
1 day ago
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