I started back keeping points today and it probably wasn't the greatest idea to start a day that my family and I went to Six Flags. I was thinking, most times when starting off eating healthy I have always waited until after a birthday party, after a major holiday or on vacation. Why wait? I have to learn to eat right on those days also, right? So, my food choices are below. I went over by 2 points but we did plenty of walking. I don't count exercise points so I deducted the 2 points from my 35 weekly flex points.
Breakfast: yogurt (1), cherries (1), whole wheat bagel (2), and coffee (I only had about a half of a cup but I'm still counting it 1 point).
Morning snack: fiber plus bar (2)
Late lunch: cheeseburger (12), fries (5) and lemonade (2).
I doubt I will eat anything else today. Lunch was really satisfying.
I really regret drinking my points but we got the big $12.99 cup with free refils. The husband didn't want water and I didn't want diet coke. We got lemonade so we all could drink it. I didn't get all of my water in but I'm still working on it. As you can tell on my food choices I didn't get my fruits or veggies in either. I will tomorrow.
My goodness, Six Flags can be SO draining but we had a blast. If you were at Six Flags over GA and you were by chance around a girl wearing a brown tank, with 2 cute kids and a helpful and nice looking Troy fan, I would like to apologize. Yeah, I think I forgot to put on deodorant this morning. Sorry...
Things I’m Loving: Spring Edition
1 day ago
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