Ok, I've been missing in action for a while...far too long. Lyn has been faithful to post and probably has been wondering if I'll ever rejoin her. She probably thinks I've forgotten about our deal or that I just don't care anymore. Well, the "I don't care part" did grab hold of me around Thanksgiving....but now it's January and the gyms around the world are jammed packed. I will soon resume my visits.
I've also been missing for another reason. I've been preparing myself for a very strict diet and purposefully have given myself a start date of Monday, Jan. 5, since my life will resume some sort of normalcy when the school schedule comes back into play. The diet I'll be doing, The Fat Flush Detox, is rather hard-core but is exactly what I need. I don't want to spend my time whining on this post about how large I've become and why the time is now....I just want to do it! I will say this, however. Since having children, God has certainly not been glorified in my food choices.
So, my wonderful husband gave me three hours to myself last night so I could go to Barnes & Noble, find a table, re-read over the diet, and then go to the grocery store to buy all the required food items. I am thrilled about this change but I am nervous. I hope to draw nearer to Christ as I pray to be able to focus on Him and not on myself.
Seeing that Lyn and I will be doing two different food plans, I think it will be exciting to read of her progress and success alongside my own. I don't know if I'll be able to take a picture everyday of my meals and post them here, but I will certainly try. It's fun and will help in holding me accountable. I've also joined a small Google Group who are all doing this diet with me. Thanks to Barbara for issuing this challenge. Just like Lyn, I'll be recording and watching THE BIGGEST LOSER beginning this Tuesday night.
Regarding pictures, my first seven days will be pretty boring since most of my meals will all look the same. I'm limited in the choices of what I can eat so I'll have to be creative in presentation. The world (others) might say that this isn't the way to eat and that God intended us to enjoy so much more to our food and tastebuds, but I say that I need to do this for me and not for the world, thank you very much.
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